The man with the lightning pace reserved his place in the history as the first ever athlete to have accomplished the triple triple feat, as Usain Bolt secured third Gold at the Rio Olympics by helping Jamaica win 4X100 Meters relay.
This is the third time any athlete has won three medals in three sprints – 100 M, 200 M and 4X100 M.
“I told you guys I was gonna do it,” Bolt said excitedly after the triump.
“I’ve set the bar high. That’s what I came here to do. I’m extremely proud of myself,” the Bolt, called the fastest man in the recorded history said.
The 29-year-old athlete has declared Rio Olympics as his last Summer Games.
He has achieved what he desired to – to secure a place among the greatest names.
“I want to be among greats Muhammad Ali and Pelé,” he said last week, as the world looked forward to witnessing the historical achievement.