Photo: Terry Goss/Wikipedia
With carbon dioxide emissions continuing to make oceans more acidic all sea life faces threats, according to a new study.
Oceans become more acidic because CO2 from fossil fuels dissolves in seawater, produces carbonic acid and this lowers the pH of the water, a BBC report explains while reporting on the study yet to be released..
Titled “Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification,” the study is part of the German-led Bioacid program and spans eight years.
Facing greater risk will be infant sea life, and researchers reckon the number of young cod growing to adulthood could fall to a quarter or even one-twelfth of today’s numbers, the report says.
A summary of conclusions of the study will be shared with climate negotiators their next month’s meeting in Bonn.
At the same time, researchers assess that some creatures may benefit directly from the ongoing chemical changes but they might also have to contend with consequences arising from the changed food scenario.
Another finding says climate change, pollution, coastal development, over-fishing and agricultural fertilizers are exacerbating the acidic equation.
According lead researcher Prof Ulf Riebesell of Kiel-based GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, the effects of acidic situation affects marine life to different degrees.
“Warm-water corals are generally more sensitive than cold-water corals. Clams and snails are more sensitive than crustaceans,” Riebesell told the BBC.