Elementary school in Texas named after Malala

Fort Bend School District picks the name as inspiration for the cause of education

An elementary school in Fort Bend, Texas has been named after Pakistani Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai in recognition of her commitment to the cause of education.

Malala led a brave fight against the Taliban ideology with her blogs on the BBC and survived a lethal militant attack in 2012 to emerge a global voice for education for girls.

“The Fort Bend ISD (Independent School District) Board of Trustees revealed the recommended name for Elementary School 51: Malala Yousafzai Elementary School,” an official statement says.

The Trustee and Board Secretary Dave Rosenthal, who serves on the district’s school naming committee, said he met about a month ago with a group of teachers, parents, administrators and community members to discuss names for the school, and they were in agreement  on Ms. Yousafzai’s name.

“Fort Bend ISD is proud to name Malala Yousafzai Elementary in honor of a true advocate for education. Our FBISD Profile of a Graduate outlines the skills and attributes graduates should possess upon graduation from our schools. Through her compassion for others and servant leadership, Yousafzai is an embodiment of these characteristics, which we are trying to instill in our students. We look forward to hearing of the many successes of the school and its students in the future,” said Dr. Charles Dupre, FBISD Superintendent of Schools.

The school will be located in the county’s Aliana community.

“It was named after the young lady (from) Pakistan who stood up for education,” Rosenthal said.

The community members believe that the name will serve as a source of inspiration.

The meeting documents this month acknowledged that Malala Yousafzai embodies the characteristics of the district’s Profile of the Graduate, a foundation that supports FBISD’s mission.

The criterion for name selection emphasizes significant contributions to society; lending prestige and status to an institution of learning; and attaining prominence locally or nationally in fields of education, science, art, statesmanship, political science, military achievement or a Texas historical achievement, the documents pointed out. according to documents.

EducationMalala YousafzaiOpinion

Huma Nisar is Associate Editor at Views and News
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