Votive Peregrination
The clap of thunder
and jagged silence
riding high
in a momentary calm
of synthetic awe.
To witness emotions
drilled in Time
and fossilized
like the
luminous eyes of the
loved ones
now gone gently
into the atrophied hunger
of the blackening universe.
All is stilled save
for the ejaculations
of a wounded victim
to the sheets
of age and lust.
but Minerva flaps
in startled
sheen of exit.
Ganesh crows
and all the wakings
of the lidless Buddha
cry ‘enough’ for
Mullah Nasruddin
still deceiving the clowns.
While the hirsute harlot
haggles in a spate
of syncopated areca
and the coleopteral
bureaucrat hums
of the inanities of
movement I bear
witness to the charivari
of man’s folly in
sinking grace and
silent head.
I asked
‘what is in life?’
the hag cackled, the
bureaucrat continued
with his humming
with bated breath
wheezing now
Minerva froze in flight.
The toothless sycophants
chanted in glabrous halitosis
in the unison born of
discalced despair
‘Fihi Ma Fihi’.