The venue for the late summer event was Des Pardes Restaurant in Springfield Virginia and the organizers Society of Urdu Literature. The banquet hall of the newest Pakistani cuisine place was packed as a number of literary figures celebrated achievements of one of the most famous Pakistani actors, Reema Khan.
Reema was awarded Pakistan’s highest civilian award, the Pride of Performance, this year on 23rd March.
The SOUL dedicated the September 29 event to her achievements and contributions for art, culture and literature.
Another recipient of the pride of performance award Khalid Hameed, a legendary newscaster. presided over the event. Author and founder of SOUL, Abu ul Hassan Naghmi and his wife Yasmin Naghmi, set the tone of the evening with their profuse praise for the actress.
Reema Khan arrived with her family and all attendees cordially welcomed her with a flower bouquet, and warm smiles. Reema’s pictures and her several achievements were decorated giant wall-sized portraits to give audience a glimpse into her successful acting career.
Yasmeen Naghmi commenced the event In the name of Allah and then congratulated Reema on receiving Pride of Performance from the government of Pakistan.
Afterwards, she invited a young girl, Maryam Bilal to recite something in Urdu (a norm in SOUL meetings). The Society encourages parents to teach their children Urdu language. She read an essay in which she welcomed Reema Khan and also highlighted the importance of learning Urdu for Pakistani- American kids. Sumia Sajjad, a Virginia resident, expressed her views about the event as, “by arranging these literary and intellectual events SOUL is giving us an opportunity to get to know the creative individuals of our country in the field of arts and literature.”
Actor and producer Noor Naghmi praised Reema’s contributions to the Pakistani film industry in a poetic way and appreciated the fact that despite her hectic routine she always manages to invest time in promoting and perpetuating growth of Urdu literature and culture within Pakistani-American society. He said, the Pride of Performance was a reward for her hard work and devotion to film industry in Pakistan.
A number of distinguished speakers, poets and writers such as Dr. Satyapal Anand, Mona Shahab, Dr. Saleem Malik were among the speakers who applauded Reema Khan’s endeavors and accomplishments.
Dr. Tariq Shahab, a known Pakistani-American cardiologist and Reema’s husband, was invited to express his views. He said, “Reema is a wonderful wife, daughter-in-law and most importantly she is a very loving mother.
“In the early days of our marriage I was scared that she is a celebrity and maybe she would be arrogant, but to my surprise she is very humble and made our lives and house paradise.”
Reema got overwhelmed with emotions with tears of gratitude in her eyes as she listened to the lovely appreciation from her husband.
When it came to expressing her own views, Reema eloquently thanked all the members and audience.
She was really humbled by all the love and admiration she received, the actress said.
“I am speechless and have no words to explain my feelings for all this affection and reverence which I have received today.” She also recited a poem written by her and received lots of appreciation from the audience.
Abu-ul-Hassan Naghmi asked Reema to recite Ayat-ul-Kursi and to everyone’s surprise, she did not hesitate a minute and recited Ayat-ul-Kursi. Reema’s concluding speech was one of the prime highlights of the event which added more colors to an already extravagant afternoon. She spoke about balancing her different roles in her life as actor, wife, mother and daughter-in-law.
She said she attached immense importance to her family life and shared how she coped with demands of social and family life but added that she cherished her blissful life.
Towards the end of the program, Khalid Hameed was invited on the stage to share his views about Reema’s achievements. He said, “Reema’s humbleness, persistence and diligence in her professional career helped her achieve this honor.”