Eating two apples a day is not just about keeping the cholesterol down but fighting the heart diseases away, a new research suggests.
The study by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains benefits of long-term apple intake as part of diet – a plenty of fiber and compound called polyphenols – which reduce LDL cholesterol as well as boost blood vessel health.
Researchers tested the well-known belief about the effects of apple intakes with observation of 40 volunteers – men and women between the ages of 29 and 69- having slightly a higher level of cholesterol. During the trial period the participants, as set out in the research, took their regular diet but avoided having any apple-related intakes, yogurts and fermented milk drinks for two weeks.
Then for eight weeks, the participants consumed 2 apples, Renetta Canada, which are rich in proanthocyanidins (PAs) or a sugar- and energy-matched apple control beverage.
The randomized crossover trial concluded that intakes of two fresh apples by people having mildly hypercholesterolemic benefits them with both fibers and vascular effects by lowering serum cholesterol and improving cardiometabolic biomarkers.
“In conclusion, our findings show clear cause and effect between inclusion of 2 Renetta Canada apples into normal diets and improved CVD risk factors, by reducing TC, LDL cholesterol, and ICAM-1 and increasing microvascular vasodilation, in healthy subjects with mildly raised serum cholesterol concentrations.”
In plain language, apples may be Nature’s perfect balancing ingredient of the diet. So let’s make them part of our diet before an imbalance in our diet and way of living and affect us.