The New York Police Department has picked Nasir Saleem, a Pakistani-American police officer, to lead NYPD’s volunteer force.
Saleem has dedicated his distinctive achievement to Pakistan.
A 30-year veteran of New York Police, Saleem is the first American Muslim to be appointed as Auxiliary Deputy Chief of the nearly 5,000-strong force.
The force serves in the city’s neighborhoods as the “eyes and ears” of the regular police through foot, vehicle, and bicycle patrols.
“It’s a great honor … I am speechless,” a delighted Saleem said.
“I dedicate my new title to Pakistan,” he told reporters after taking the oath of office as the Auxiliary Deputy Chief on Tuesday.
The news of Saleem’s elevation as head of the NYPD’s auxiliary force sent a wave of happiness in the large Pakistani-American community living all of the state.
Hundreds of social media users hailed Saleem’s appointment, congratulating him and calling the honor an acknowledgement of the vibrant community’s contribution to keeping New York safe and prosperous.
In New York, Auxiliary Police officers are trained to observe and report conditions requiring the services of the regular police assisting in non-enforcement and non-hazardous duties.
Saleem was inducted into his new assignment at a simple ceremony at which senior police officials and members of the Pakistani community were presented.
The sight of Captain Adeel Rana and Lt. Zaigham Abbas, fellow Pakistani-American police officers pinning badges on Saleem’s uniform along with other senior officers animated Pakistani-Americans and Muslims living in the state.
Images: Courtesy Deputy Chief Nasir Saleem Facebook
Congratulations to an American Hero and Pakistani Hero!!!
Heartiest congratulations. Feeling proud to see my Muslim Pakistani brothers as Police Chief in USA.May Almighty Allah bless you my friend.
Muhammad Akhtar