M. Aftab, a pioneer of modern journalism in Pakistan, passed away in Islamabad after a brief illness. The veteran journalist breathed his last at the age of 84 in the capital, his beloved city of Margalla Hills, which he saw develop from scratch and where he worked for the most productive decades of his career.
The illustrious journalist modernized the services of the Associated Press of Pakistan, the largest news organization in the country, in the early 1990s. He also introduced computer facilities at APP headquarters in Islamabad and bureaus in the provincial capitals in a major boost to fast-paced journalism in Pakistan.
Besides elevating the standards of journalism at the APP, Aftab was a well-known correspondent for AP of America as he wrote about some of the historic turns of Pakistan’s history.
In addition, M. Aftab was a contributor to several international publications including the Times of London, The Financial Times, and Life magazine.
He led the Associated Press of Pakistan during two termss, and before that headed its news operations as Director News.
During his active years, M. Aftab was a dominant presence in the journalistic circles, known for his integrity and audacity to question the government leaders on national affairs. He spoke truth to power, especially on the economic and financial issues, and was considered an authority on these issues. In fact, many Pakistani journalists related instances of his questioning the powerful including one famous instance when, as a chief reporter, he showed remarkable courage to question Zia ul Haq during the Martial Law years.
He was instrumental in providing a fresh lease of life to APP when he inducted a team of highly talented young journalists in late 1990 in an unprecedented merit-based selection.
The fresh graduates were selected through a transparent process involving tests that determined their English writing skills, general knowledge, and knowledge of history and politics. They were also judged in interviews. Their induction resulted in the APP widening its coverage of events to culture, sports, entertainment, arts, literature, higher education, and other fields of interest to readers. Many of the journalists carved out successful careers for and strengthened the news organization’s reporting on diplomacy and international relations.
The journalists, trained under his leadership, served the premier news institution as correspondents and leaders in various positions for decades.
M. Aftab was also widely respected as one of the founders of Islamabad Club. He also stood for the rights of the journalist community at the Rawalpindi Press Club.
Under his leadership, the Associated Press of Pakistan widened the coverage of international relations. M. Aftab posted APP correspondents in London, Washington D.C. New York, New Delhi, and Beijing. APP became a reliable source of news stories from these capitals.
Today, Pakistani journalism is wedded to the Internet, and Pakistanis are heavily dependent on the web as a source of information and analyses. But thirty years ago, few could foresee its importance in the early 1990s at the dawn of the dot com age. M. Aftab was surely among them. Others included a handful of owners and editors of some major groups of newspapers. His singular contribution as a leader, infusion of young journalists into the field, stands out as an example of why fresh graduates provide a lifeline to journalism.
Even while fulilling his time-consuming responsibilities as managing director of APP, he continued to write stories. His informed pieces and in-depth analyses raised awareness about the national isseus and lighted the path for many journalists
M. Aftab’s death signals the end of an era but his vital contributions to Pakistani journalism will shine as part of his legacy – a life that represented the attainment of the highest professional standards and far-sighted decisions that have benefited generations of journalists.
Excellent tribute to a wonderful man. Where such gems of journalism can be found now. A great man of the rare generation of journalists has passed away. May Allah rest his soul in eternal peace.