To care for others,
with the love of all mothers,
With teaspoons of kindness and warm,
cuddly covers.
To nurture and comfort from dawn until
You love and you conquer with all of you
You meet every need,
Even those left unseen,
With attention to detail
Without any greed.
No one knows the steps that you take
To keep them fed, and bathed.
You are never a fake.
You do it until you cannot give anymore,
You go home, drained and tired, but still
you give more.
A caregiver’s job seems to never be done,
The late-night tasks, that rise with the sun.
Sometimes it’s hot chocolate on a cold
winter’s morn,
To the trash man, so early, to dispose of
your corn.
Or maybe it’s the gift for the postmaster you
As a surprise for the knowledge of their fast,
hectic pace.
Or maybe it’s paying at McDonald’s drive-
thru, a sweet act of kindness for the person
behind you.
And caregivers come in all shapes and all
They are authentically there, with light, no
From the disabled veteran in love with his
To a son with a heart that is bigger than life,
From a mother of nursing who started this
DNA of an angel was not in her plan
But she cared for those people, so shackled
and bound,
Yet came home to her,
that she loved so
Her mother before her, a nurse and mid-
wife, taught my mother so young, the true
meaning of life.
It’s all about Love, she said, that’s sent from
For us to give freely that fits like a glove.
So, if you shared a smile with a lonely
The Love you just gave, then, is second to
So, thank you; each one of you, for the care
that you give,
To the person beside you
Wherever you live
But remember the most important one of
them all,
Is to care for yourself so you can take care
of them all.
A mother’s love