POEM: “Waiting”

The breath of the wind...Read More

Everything remains still


I don’t hear the breath of the wind

among the leaves

the clouds up there

as painted

stay suspended in the sky

distant the memories

of the harmonious melodies

of the birds in the air

In the morning

the smell of the wet earth

the drops of dew

on the thousand flowers

scattered in the fields

Come from afar

sounds and noises

like a band

of improvised musicians

the dust of fumes

darkening the air

the acrid smell of bombs

of dead bodies

meal of worms.

Silent are the men

closed have their mouths

aware or not

of their guilty silences

without expressions their eyes

looking afar maybe

waiting for…….a Godot!

Arts & LiteratureArts and LifeLiteraturePoemPoetry

Maria Miraglia is a published poet, who writes on a variety of subjects. Her original work and translated poems have appeared in several Asian and European literary magazines. She is currently serving as Literary Director of Pablo Neruda Cultural Association and is the founder of World Foundation for ​Peace.
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