She arrives, comes in
Slams the door furiously
And throws the keys away
To keep her far
I beseech aid to Reason
That smiles at me
Like a mom does
When a baby
poses a weird question
So I turn to Patience that
in straightaway tells me
wait wait
but she’s been there a long time
I say
even when I feel like sleeping
as an owl
she begins to hoot
and in the morning
when silently
I open the door
to leave her inside
she follows me like my shadow
what can I do to get rid of her
wait and hope
don’t you see
how long and white my hair is
ask your Sub-conscious
she then softly whispers to me
After a long walk
I meet this myself
hidden and unknown
and I also ask him to free me
of the enemy that
with bravado and arrogance
stays in my mind
occupies my thoughts
With a lit torch
the Unconscious shows me infinite paths
dark and intertwined with each other
one life would not be enough
she tells me
to enlighten them all
And so I go back
the banality of everyday life
wraps me again
like an airwave
hot and stuffy
while assails me the nostalgia for infinity
for the immense meadows
where free blow the winds.