Inquietudes, a poem by Maria Miraglia

Nostalgia for infinity...Read More

She arrives, comes in

Slams the door furiously

And throws the keys away

To keep her far

I beseech aid to Reason

That smiles at me

Like a mom does

When a baby

poses  a weird question

So I turn to Patience that

in straightaway tells me

wait wait

but she’s been there a long time

I say

even when I feel like sleeping

as  an owl

she begins to hoot

and in the morning

when silently

I open the door

to leave her inside

she follows me like my shadow


what can I do to get rid of her

wait and hope

don’t  you see

how long  and  white my hair is

ask your Sub-conscious

she then softly whispers  to me

After a long walk

I meet this myself

hidden and unknown

and I also ask him to free me

of the enemy that

with bravado and arrogance

stays in my mind

occupies my thoughts

With a lit torch

the Unconscious shows me infinite paths

dark and intertwined with each other

one life would not be enough

she tells me

to enlighten them all

And so I go back


the banality of everyday life

wraps me again

like an airwave

hot and stuffy

while  assails me the nostalgia for infinity

for the immense meadows

where free blow the winds.

Arts & LiteratureArts and LifeLifeLiteratureOpinionPoemPoetry

Maria Miraglia is a published poet, who writes on a variety of subjects. Her original work and translated poems have appeared in several Asian and European literary magazines. She is currently serving as Literary Director of Pablo Neruda Cultural Association and is the founder of World Foundation for ​Peace.
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