Sanctuary and other poems by Tasneem Hossain

Each breath we take is a beautiful song...Read More


The world keeps moving in its pace;
We are all given a momentary space.
No one knows when the end will come;
When our lease will end, we succumb.
Feast of false dreams that we perceive,
Turns to ashes the shroud of happiness, we dream.
Every day, we come closer with every breath
Time of breaking this rhythmic heart.

Remembering the story of breaking apart;
River of rain brims the eyes, thinking of death.
Each breath we take is a beautiful song.
Flowing, dancing with every heartbeat along,
Treasure what our hands can hold; be strong.
Let others enjoy the rest my friend.
Wandering among the unknown faces until the end,

We will gently fade away, one day.
Come, my love, gather me in your arms,
Before I leave this sanctuary,
we hold in our palms.
The sanctuary, we call life.


A speck of dust in the vast sea,
washed away by the huge tidal waves;
stays buried under the ocean.
Centuries pass, stays there.
A silent spectator, waiting to return.
Again it rises from the womb.

Flows with the waves and reaches the shore.
Forgotten for some time, but never in vain.
It emerges from the depths,
shining brighter in the sunny waves.
Nothing gets lost, everything comes back.
In another name, another place; another form.
New existence.


Compassion heart is a geometrical meshed lyre.
Ignored and hurt, perceived as barbed wire.
Neglect and absence char a loving heart,
never mends to its original form of art.
A heart that chars with neglect burns very fast.
Burns to ashes and dust at last.
Frozen hearts never melt,
know that they only break.
Meaningless quarrels give rise to distance.
Unfold, untold, passive resistance.
Differences burn, sometimes, relations apart.
Ashes, dust and frozen broken hearts.
Rootless relationships slowly dissolve,

cause only frustrations and discord.
A heart that cares and loves with no selfish desires,
needs to be nurtured with a little love and care.
Life is meaningful, with compassion beautiful

Tasneem Hossain
Arts & LiteratureArts and LifePoetry

Tasneem Hossain is a multilingual poet from Bangladesh. She writes poems in English, Urdu and Bengali. She is also a columnist, fiction and op-ed writer, translator, educator, and trainer. Her writings appear frequently in publications worldwide.
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  • Shirleen Manzur
    9 December 2024 at 9:40 pm - Reply

    Beautiful poems that touch your soul!1


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