‘Literature can strengthen human bonds across cultures’  

Society of Urdu Literature hosts session with poetess Dr. Sarwat Zahra

Feelings of the time slipping by and expectations of good times ahead merged creatively as the Society of Urdu Literature hosted its last session of 2017 in the afternoon of December 31, just hours before the inception of 2018.

Therefore, it sounded befitting when poetess Dr. Sarwat Zahra, recited a poem – a prayer for a new day.

Here is an interpretation of the poem recited by Zahra, who had flown from the United Arab Emirates to attend the SOUL meeting at the end of the year, which saw people in many parts of the world suffer in conflicts and violent attacks.

Another New Year has arrived for us
But is this the dawn of a New Day?
Oh, God how towns and cities of my world
Crave for a sunlit day and blissful time
So, please, bless us with a New Day
Of hope, love, affinity and peace



Zahra’s individualistic style of poetry and the breadth of her mostly modern but also timeless subjects – rendered in a fluent rhythmic manner – impressed leading lights of Urdu literature, who fortunately for lovers of the language, live in Washington metro area. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Dr. Moazam Siddiqui and Satyapal Anand, an acclaimed writer and critic, all appreciated the quality of her poetry.

Dr. Anand, who has known Zahra’s work for years, presented a profound literary appraisal of her work – from nuances to delicacies of versification to improvisations with expressions.

Zahra, who is a medical doctor, uses novel metaphors and similes, and several versifying techniques to weave lyrical sonic effects which impart a new freshness to her views on individual, cultural and societal issues and dimensions of life.

Abul Hasan Naghmi, a veteran author of several books and founder of SOUL, set the stage for the session with a warm welcome on the chilly Sunday afternoon.

Abul Hasan Naghmi welcomes participants

Abul Hasan Naghmi welcomes participants. Seated on the table from righ are Dr Abdullah, Dr. Moazam Siddiqui, Dr. Sarwat Zahra, Dr. Satyapal Anand and Mrs. Yasmeen Naghmi

But what is the relevance of literature to modern times, when excessive nationalism – which pretty much appears to be the modern form of ancient ruthless tribalism – politics of exclusivism and so many heart-rending conflicts are tearing the humanity apart?

Views and News asked Zahra if literature and poetry could heal people and bring humanity together in these troubled times.

“Absolutely. Like all creative arts, poetry speaks directly to hearts. And good quality literature establishes a spiritual connection – it helps with cleansing our souls,” she said.

Human beings may be living in distant lands of their own but they all share same things, want happiness and feel anguished when hurt. Poetry deals with human feelings and speaks directly to people across cultures.

“We have seen in history, when societies faced tough times, we saw poets and writers come forward and share their message of change for the better. So I believe writers and poets through their works can reach out and help bring that change” by fostering mutual understanding.

Zeroing in on Pakistan, Zahra said the country’s intelligentsia, particularly writers can certainly help people understand and tackle problems facing the society.

Poetess Zahra with Muhammad Nasimuddin (right) and poet Abdul Rehman

Poetess Zahra with Muhammad Nasimuddin (right) and poet Abdul Rehman, Dr Moazzam Siddiqui

She drew enormous encouragement from the fact that a large number of women are coming forward with quality work in both poetry and prose.

The poetess also believes that women all over the world – in this age of growing consciousness and progress toward equal rights – can be a force to build bridges between cultures and civilizations.

Speaking on the occasion Muhammad Nasimuddin, a prominent entrepreneur and co-owner of Views and News media company, expressed his support for literary activities.

He said Abul Hasan Naghmi, his wife Yasmeen Naghmi  deserve appreciation for their steadfast commitment to promotion of Urdu language and literature.

During the literary session, a young Pakistani-American girl read out an essay in Urdu, welcoming guest, Dr. Zahra.

Dr. Moazam Siddiqui, who has been devoting time to teaching Urdu to the U.S.-born young South Asian, also won praise for his work.


Arts & LiteratureOpinionPakistanPakistani AmericanVirginia

Ali Imran is a writer, poet, and Managing Editor Views News Now
2 Comments on this post.

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  • Zahoor Nadeem
    9 January 2018 at 2:43 am - Reply

    Well done Ali Imran.

  • Syed Abdul Karim Hamdani
    10 January 2018 at 10:27 am - Reply

    Thanks & Heart Felt Wishing A Happy New Year 2918 To
    The Society Of Urdu Literature ,The VIEWS & NEWS , MR. Ali Imran & All Other Hosts Friends For Fascilitatng US All To Share Wiith Such A Grand Literary Session in The Honor Of Dr. Sarwat Zahra As A Guest Poetess .
    Literature Serves As A Bond Between Cultures & Civilizations Indiscriminately To Build , Evolve, Progress , Harmonice & Develop
    Civil Societies Across The Globes In Craving Blissful Times ,Affinity & A Hope For A Sustainabke Peace & Prosperity .
    Dr. Sarwat Zahra Presented Her Fascinatingly Thought Provoking & A
    A Fabulously Creative Poetry In Her Unique Way Of Expression .
    She Conveyed A Crystal Clear Message To The Intelligentsia , The Literary Forums In Particular & The Civil Society Giants, In General To Strongly & Compulsarily Inculcate Tolerance , Peace , Hormony , A Sunlit Day Hope & Eternal Tranqualiity Across The Universes . Thank You So Much For A Video On The Session With Dr. Sarwat Zahra With Enchanting Poetry & Other Renowned Friends .


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