Poem: I want to hold a moment

To feel life again

I want to hold a moment

a moment filled with life,

where there is a glee 

a spiritual joy,

a happy soul.


I want to hold a moment

a moment of my childhood,

a moment as a neonate, 

when I was like a saint,

an angel, 

away from deception, 

and conspiracy.


A moment when I was trying,

to capture,

my small world, 

that was my loved ones,

my whole contentment.


I want to hold a moment

a moment of joy, 

a moment from my past, 

to feel the life anew, 

to feel life again. 

2020Arts & EntertainmentArts & LiteratureArts and LifeChildhoodPoemPoetryTime

Shehla Khan Kulachi is an academic based in Faisalabad, Pakistan. She writes poems in English, Punjabi and Urdu languages
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