Write For Me – A poem by Maria Miraglia

When the moon her maids call to stud with shining pearls...Read More

Write for me a love poem

when the moon

her maids call to stud

with shining pearls

the dark dome

Write for me a love poem

when the winds

gently move the treetops

playing romantic serenades

Write for me words of love

when the waves

like joyful children

each other chase


at the first lights of dawn

whisper to the finches and sparrows

your most beautiful rhymes of love

like messengers, they’ll come

to my window

singing their songs

to tell me of you

Collect for me

the most sweet words of love

when the morning dew

gently awaken

with its light touch

the still drowsy flowers

in the endless fields

And still, write for me words of love

when the sky

on the horizon

in its endless embrace

the sky kisses.

Poet Maria Miraglia
Arts & LiteratureArts and LifeOpinionPoemPoetry

Maria Miraglia is a published poet, who writes on a variety of subjects. Her original work and translated poems have appeared in several Asian and European literary magazines. She is currently serving as Literary Director of Pablo Neruda Cultural Association and is the founder of World Foundation for ​Peace.
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  • Agron Shele
    13 September 2022 at 9:21 pm - Reply

    Congratulations Maria! I wish you more succes! Respect!


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