Miss the hug
A hug that they give you
And you forget the weaknesses
Of your existence.
I miss a kiss
The kiss that someone gives you
And your stomach makes those noises
Like it is full of butterflies.
I miss the smile
That childish smile that you have
You are smiling and all nature become
I miss the walk to the beach
The waves
The perfume of the salt
I miss the sunshine and the sunset
All the simple things that I had.
I miss the generosity of the people
I miss the kindness of grandparents
I miss the relaxing moments of drinking a coffee
Now, they all want your friend,
Your position, your talent, your contact,
Your potential, your life,
But almost no one…
Nobody want to get in your shoes
They are too tight.!!!!
We pay with our lives
For the decision others take.
Because they are looking at their pockets
And not at the safety of the planet.
Why is a war is happening?
Always the same response
Nobody knows!
Learn to talk
Learn to communicate
Learn to accept
Learn to respect.
So rare on this planet
Since the existence of humans
Quiet was a privilege for a few.
Be silent
Those are the rules for a bright future.
No children will sleep
Without their parents tonight.
For Angel’s protection
To everyone’s house.
They are born
They do not just appear.
They are the pillars of societies
Or tribes
They are
They exist.
Creators of rainbows
Of angels
Of gods.
Show them respect
As you respect your mama
Your daughter
Your sister.
We are supposed to be all together
But the new societies
Make us enemies
Without care
With sympathy
Without empathy.
If women could remember their purpose
The world could be different.