Latest in: 2018 Pakistan Election
Accepting Prime Minister Imran Khan’s invitation to join China Pakistan Economic Corridor, Saudi Arabia has entered into agreement with...September 27, 2018
Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf consolidated its hold on power with the election of Dr. Arifur Rehman Alvi as the...September 4, 2018
Imran Khan begins the task by speaking for the long-ignored people
Imran Khan won over the hearts of the masses by his very candid and honest manner in his address to the nation as PM. Delivered from the heart in plain words, his talking points scribbled in...August 23, 2018 1229 0 -
Imran Khan’s rise, Bilawal Bhutto’s speech and the sunrise in New Pakistan
An image of sunrise in a Pakistani village, Credit: Asimali740 from Wikimedia Commons Thanks God it’s Friday. Good News autumn is on the horizon, which means cooler days are ahead of us soon. But currently, the...August 18, 2018 1506 0 -
UN congratulates Imran Khan on election as Pakistan PM
While felicitating Pakistan’s newly elected prime minister Imran Khan, the United Nations said Friday it lookd forward to working with him. “We congratulate the Prime Minister and look forward to working with him,” a spokesman for...August 17, 2018 1053 0 -
Pakistan’s governance troubles and the desire for change
1988 was 30 years back. Since then, 8 elections have been held in Pakistan. Yet, the core issue of governance, which goes to the heart to the fundamental incompatibility between resources and requirements, remains untouched. Unattended also is the...August 10, 2018 873 0 -
US, China, India should facilitate Imran Khan’s way toward change: NYT
Acknowledging that Imran Khan’s election victory this week represents an opportunity for change in a country – mired in a range of problems – a major American newspaper has said the U.S., China and India should...July 28, 2018 1629 0 -
U.S. to look for opportunities to work with new Pakistan government
While acknowledging the the courage of Pakistani people for their participation in July 25 elections, the United States has said it will look for opportunities to work with the new government to advance security and stability...July 26, 2018 874 0 -
Naya Pakistan rejects political dynasties
Twenty two years after forming Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf, cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan has won victory for his party in Wednesday’s general elections in the South Asian country of huge importance to world powers. With 120 seats in the National Assembly,...July 26, 2018 1092 0