Latest in: Academia

The first non-white to head the Folger ...Read More
By Nishad Karulkar and Evan Kilmer It is an understatement that the relationship between the West and the Muslim...November 12, 2021
When I launched my new book Journey into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and Identity about Islam in Europe at SOAS in London...September 24, 2018
What spirits be these in the town of Newton and Hawking!
The River Cam from the Green Dragon Bridge, Photo: FinlayCox143/Wikimedia Commons In the town of Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and Stephen Hawking, there dwell strange spirits, and there are strange happenings, that science cannot fully explain....June 2, 2018 1199 0 -
In the age of anxiety, Americans look to universities for innovation
Flexible display technology developed by Arizona State University,, as funded by the U.S. Army, Arizona State University Prospectus April 2006 Adding to anxieties over international competition, the World Economic Forum on Saturday reported that China spent more...May 27, 2018 1552 0