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A diverse mix of cultures and faiths came together to celebrate Ramadan and the Blessing Ceremony during an interfaith...June 14, 2018
Photo: An aerial view of Washington Monument. Credit: U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Andy Dunaway/Wikimedia Commons Thanks God it’s...March 9, 2018
How to eat healthy and stay fit during winter break
Getting smarter and wiser is part of the evolution and as a species, and as human beings we have done OK in areas from education and health to science and technology. But, when it comes to...December 6, 2017 1878 0 -
Alarming rise in refugee drownings in the Mediterranean
May was one of the deadliest months for refugees and immigrants escaping Middle Eastern and African conflicts and impoverished regions to cross into Europe through risky journey on the Mediterranean Sea. The last week alone saw at...June 6, 2016 1140 0 -
Afghanistan-Pakistan relations key to peace
FEATURED IMAGE above shows historic Khyber Pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan Photo Credit: By James Mollison via Wikimedia Commons Once again – after Mullah Akhtar Mansour’s assassination by the drone in Baluchistan — the question has resurfaced as...June 1, 2016 1289 0 -
Response to refugee crisis to determine world stability – Angelina Jolie
How the world responds to the current refugee crisis – compounded by festering Middle Easter conflicts – will be critical to the future of the globe for decades to come, says Angelina Jolie Pitt. The Hollywood star and UN Goodwill Ambassador reminded...May 16, 2016 1021 0 -
A journalist’s travelogue : Hope and progress in Karachi
It was February 6, a shining day with cool breeze, when I reached the lawns of a local hotel in Karachi – tidal sea and Palm trees giving a Miami-like picturesque setting at a time when...May 3, 2016 1700 0 -
Nothing like passion for journalism
It is not my the GPS in my car but my life’s GPS that took lots of reroutings as I swerved from an ultimate route. I studied in a French convent school and one day suddenly Urdu language...April 16, 2016 2000 3