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Dissatisfaction with the prevailing societal structure...Read More
Roshan pulled out the hidden layers of his cane, lengthening it longer. He addressed the stick. “I value your...January 22, 2022
The false choice between reason and revelation ...Read MoreDecember 30, 2021
The Mingling of the Oceans
Taj Mahal, a symbol of love, was built by Emperor Shah Jahan, father of Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb, in the 17th century, Image: Rajesnewdelhi/Wikipedia THE BRIGHT LIGHT When in 1652, Dara Shikoh was formally declared the...December 25, 2021 4585 2 -
Book Review: From Jerusalem to a Kingdom by the Sea
Affability and natural wisdom are part of the author's personality...Read MoreNovember 27, 2021 760 1 -
The Tribal and the Universal in Akbar Ahmed’s book Mataloona
“Don’t be like the frog that climbed a clod and said he saw Kabul:” ...Read MoreJuly 29, 2021 919 0 -
A Pakistani-American scholar’s new book on the life and achievements of Caliph Ali
“I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate.” This saying is attributed to the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings upon him). It not only immortalizes Ali but also captures his defining characteristic. Ali...July 24, 2021 828 0 -
New book “The Flying Man” spotlights the knowledge ethos of the Golden Age of Islam
The featured image shows an entrance to the Qalawun complex which had a Mansuri hospital in Cairo/Wikipedia Since the outbreak of COVID-19, one of the most commonly used medical terms has been quarantine, the practice of...March 26, 2021 3207 2 -
Two books open windows into the Pakhtoon culture and history
By Sahibzada Riaz Noor The tradition of scholar-administrators in British India did dwindle after partition, but totally extinct it did not become. Despite the censorious cavilling about civil servants from various quarters for being high browed mandarins...December 23, 2020 1439 0 -
The romance of the old Frontier during the British colonial era
British colonialism in the Indian subcontinent has long been a fierce topic of debate. Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and the British all have their own deeply held personal thoughts about the long-lasting impact that the British Raj...October 23, 2020 802 0