Latest in: Children

How much screen time is too much?...Read More
Life has been restricted for a majority of children to homes for almost a year now. No schools, no...January 3, 2021
It may be up to children now to realize the dream of rescuing climate on the planet since the...November 11, 2020
UN Secretary-General asks India to stop brutal treatment of Kashmiri children
Voicing concern over India’s brutalities against Kashmiri children including torture, illegal detention, and pellet gun shootings, UN Secretary-General has called for an immediate end to such practices. Antonio Guterres issued the call in an annual report...June 16, 2020 912 0 -
New report tells of scars the Syrian conflict has inflicted on children
The indifferent players on the world stage not only turned a blind eye to the suffering of Syrians but they also unleashed their dogs of war in the form of proxies, a ruthless regime and militant...January 19, 2020 766 0 -
Traditional toys, not flashy gadgets, serve children well in their growth – Research
An array of wooden toys, Image Credit: Pratheep P S, Play is not a break from learning but a way of learning for children. A wealth of lifetime advantages is the reward for playing with...November 24, 2019 2828 0 -
Imran Khan begins the task by speaking for the long-ignored people
Imran Khan won over the hearts of the masses by his very candid and honest manner in his address to the nation as PM. Delivered from the heart in plain words, his talking points scribbled in...August 23, 2018 1226 0 -
Police arrest Zainab’s murderer
Police have arrested the murderer of seven-year-old Zainab in Kasur after a DNA match and polygraph confirmed a 24-year-old neighbor’s involvement in the heinous crime, official confirmed Tuesday. The culprit, Imran Ali, son of Arshad, is...January 23, 2018 1287 0 -
30 children killed in Syrian escalation while the world watches
Ru’a, 18 months, rides on her grandfather’s motorbike as he drags it across Mesraba in East Ghouta, Syria. Photo:NICEF/2018/Amer Almohibany After one of the worst years for children in the ongoing Middle Eastern conflicts, 2018 has...January 15, 2018 1168 0 -
Justice4Zainab: Pakistani society and state have much to answer for
Hundreds of people took to the streets of Pakistan’s eastern city of Kasur to protest the brutal murder of Zainab after the seven-year-old girl was abducted, raped and her body recovered from trash. The heartbreaking news...January 10, 2018 1048 0