Latest in: Congress

“Even during the Civil War, that never, ever happened."...Read More
The election of Kamala Harris as vice president of the United States has been hailed as a great milestone...March 6, 2021
The Senate Saturday acquitted former President Donald Trump of the charge that he was primarily responsible for inflaming a...February 14, 2021
Sanders terms Indian crackdown on Kashmiris, Muslims unacceptable
Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders, while backing Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal’s criticism of New Delhi’s policies, has termed Indian crackdown on Kashmiris and Muslims as unacceptable. Senator Sanders was reacting to Indian foreign minister’s cancellation of a...December 21, 2019 1145 0 -
In bipartisan rebuke, US House Resolution asks India to end repression in Kashmir
A bipartisan resolution introduced in the US House of Representatives has rejected India’s repressive tactics in Kashmir since August 5 revocation of the disputed region’s autonomy and asked New Delhi to lift all restrictions on communication...December 8, 2019 1216 0 -
Kashmir crisis be seen in the context of Indian BJP’s nationalism project – Ilhan Omar
Arguing that the U.S. should not ignore democratic values in its relationship with India, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said at a hearing on Tuesday that Washington should see the situation in Indian-administered Kashmir as part of the...October 22, 2019 1315 0 -
US must send clear message to India on Kashmir crisis – American lawmakers
Two members of Congress have asked the Trump Administration to send a clear message to India on humanitarian crisis in Kashmir and the imperatives of democracy, as the disputed region remains besieged since New Delhi’s August 5 suspension...September 12, 2019 627 0 -
Pakistan Caucus to be reconstituted after new Congress takes oath in January
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Le (D-TX) who has served as Democratic Co-Chair of the Pakistan Caucus since 2007, says the CongressionalCaucus will be reconstituted when the newly elected 116th U.S. Congress takes oath in January next year. Tahir...December 20, 2018 1344 0 -
Democrats and Republicans reach a deal to re-open government, protect dreamers
An aerial view of the Capitol Hill, Photo Credit: Office of the Architect of the Capitol/Wikipedia Democrats in the Senate agreed Monday to a deal with Republican Majority Leader on an immigration deal for protection of...January 22, 2018 1089 0 -
Trump exults in tax cut legislative success; Democrats criticize
Photo: Screenshot/White House YouTube video channel President Donald Trump exulted in the first major legislative success toward implementation of his agenda, calling passage of the $ 1.5 trillion tax cut as “something special.” Flanked by Vice...December 21, 2017 1342 0