Latest in: Congress
Trump gets first major legislative victory as Senate passes huge tax plan
With a 51-49 vote, the Senate early Saturday passed legislation to introduce a huge set of changes to the tax code, giving President Donald Trump his first major legislative victory. Trump hailed the Senate vote for...December 2, 2017 1152 0 -
As DACA expires, Congress must preserve the American dream in its balancing act
Photo: Views and News EDITORIAL The Trump Administration’s announcement on ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) has challenged Congress to enact long-delayed but badly needed immigration reform that helps all Americans. But the Republican-controlled...September 6, 2017 1405 0 -
Colleagues, friends wish McCain a successful fight against cancer
Photo: T toes/Wikimedia Commons Politicians and lawmakers reacted to the news of Senator John McCain having been diagnosed with cancer Wednesday with a message of strong confidence that the former presidential candidate would beat the disease...July 20, 2017 1395 0 -
On Capitol Hill, lawmakers, interfaith leaders urge greater American Muslim engagement
A gathering of lawmakers and interfaith leaders on Capitol Hill this week encouraged American Muslims to engage more widely in their communities through networking and political participation in order to empower themselves. The annual Ramadan Iftar...June 17, 2017 1370 0 -
Comey testimony and President Trump’s response so far
Photo: Screenshot/Global News In an extraordinary testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI Chief James Comey has claimed that President Donald Trump hoped to him during a conversation that Comey would let go the probe...June 8, 2017 1158 0 -
John Lewis blends icon power with social media to push gun control debate
Civil rights icon has brought his star power to gun control debate, leading a rare sit-in on the floor of the House in the wake of worst shooting in the US history that claimed 49 lives...June 25, 2016 909 0 -
Democrats stage sit-in seeking gun control legislation
Civil rights movement icon Democratic Congressman John Lewis led a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representative demanding Capitol Hill enact legislation to effect gun control in the wake of mass shootings including June...June 23, 2016 971 0