Latest in: Cuisine

The spic-filled dish is part of the culture...Read More
These freezing days when everyone stays home due to coronavirus restrictions, there must be something that must be very...February 15, 2021
Getting smarter and wiser is part of the evolution and as a species, and as human beings we have...December 6, 2017
Why prickly cactus could soon be an essential tasty food
Stamen of fish hook cactus, Photo: SKsiddhartthan/Wikimedia Commons The days of the thorny cactus being dismissed as worthless and invasive species are over as the harsh realities of climate change is pushing agriculturalists to market it...December 1, 2017 2340 0 -
Many Americans don’t want political talk at Thanksgiving dinner table
Photo: Ms Jones from California(Our (Almost Traditional) Thanksgiving Dinner)/Wikimedia Commons A break from the ever-revolving cycle of political wrangling may be an essential part of what a holiday looks like. Sounds natural! But this may be...November 23, 2017 2089 0 -
Ostrich meat is the new popular addition to Lahorites’ list of cuisines
Photo by Yathin S Krishnappa shows South African ostrich via Wikimedia Commons Raja Tahir Latif, who has pioneered ostrich farming in Pakistan, has ultimately been able to create a niche market for the meat of flightless...March 28, 2017 3345 0 -
New study explains how olive oil keeps heart healthy
Olives at a market in Toulon, France, Photo by David Monniaux via Wikimedia Commons The traditional Mediterranean diet is usually popular for being low-fat and fiber-rich, with fish, vegetables, fruits and olive oil as some of...February 16, 2017 1398 0