Latest in: Democracy
Pakistani Americans launch White House petition to stop Indian human rights violations in Kashmir
Pakistani Americans launched an online White House petition this week, asking the United States to “stop India from blatant human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir.” The petition has been launched amid ongoing violence in Indian-controlled...September 30, 2016 2009 0 -
Why democracy must take root in Pakistan
Recent display of banners and posters calling for a military coup in more than a dozen urban centers has initiated a new debate in Pakistan why democratic system is so prone to adventurism despite 2013 democratic...July 14, 2016 1467 0 -
With Trump inflaming intolerance, Biden warns of dangers
While Donald Trump continues to ramp up his rhetoric against Muslims and Latinos, Vice President Joseph Biden has warned that politics of fear and intolerance would have serious implications for American democracy, security and societal values....June 21, 2016 825 0 -
Hillary Clinton has nomination within her grasp
Even before Tuesday’s crucial round of primaries, an AP survey has declared Hillary Clinton as winner of the nomination race, which has dragged on due to the a feisty fight Democratic contender Bernie Sanders has put...June 7, 2016 902 0 -
Trump gets Speaker Ryan’s endorsement
Donald Trump got a huge boost for his Republican nomination campaign when House Speaker Paul Ryan endorsed the business tycoon weeks after withholding his decision. Ryan will co-chair the Republican National Congress in July, and his backing...June 2, 2016 856 0 -
How election rhetoric shapes views of Asian American voters
Positions espoused by presidential candidates on immigration issues and rhetoric on inclusion or exclusion of communities are among top concerns shaping opinions of Asian Americans in the unusually divisive 2016 election year. A survey released by Asian Americans Advancing...May 25, 2016 1053 0 -
Counting the cost of corruption amid rumbling scandals
As people in developing countries fume over Panama Papers revelations about corruption of their venal elites, a new research paper has said the cost of corruption is wide-ranging, diminishing prospects of economic growth and advancement of societies....May 24, 2016 2985 0 -
Cultural diversity spurs innovation, development
Cultural diversity is an outstanding source of exchange, innovation and creativity, and has the enormous potential to accelerate sustainable development, the United Nations said, amidst fear-based response to influx of refugees in Europe and discriminatory treatment of...May 23, 2016 1037 0 -
Jon Stewart faults Trump, Clinton and media coverage
In hard-hitting remarks during a podcast interview, Jon Stewart ripped apart Donald Trump’s temperament, criticized Hillary Clinton’s lack of clarity, even as he took on the media for what he termed as its focus on “wrong things.” The former host of The...May 10, 2016 1535 0 -
A journalist’s travelogue : Hope and progress in Karachi
It was February 6, a shining day with cool breeze, when I reached the lawns of a local hotel in Karachi – tidal sea and Palm trees giving a Miami-like picturesque setting at a time when...May 3, 2016 1701 0