Latest in: Economic Growth

Finding the key to unlock the untapped economic and human potential...Read More
As death toll from coronavirus moves past 2000, the International Monetary Bank chief has described it as the most...February 19, 2020
By Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director As , the G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors gather this week...June 14, 2019
Why growth in a high-debt scenario depends on people-focused policies
The public debt around the world has been at the highest level in recent years while growth is screeching to just tepid levels in many countries. The scenario is not limited to any one part of...April 14, 2019 1064 0 -
New data reinforces importance of immigrants to the future U.S. growth
A sustained inflow of new immigrants is going to be much more important for the United States in the years ahead than previously thought, several new studies say. The importance of continued immigration to the U.S....January 31, 2019 1819 0 -
Indian, Pakistani growth momentum makes South Asia the fastest growing region
A view of Lahore Ring Road, Photo: Faisal7714014/Wikimedia Commons South Asia has regained its lead as the fastest growing region in the world, the World Bank says in its latest report on the region, which shows...April 18, 2018 1604 0 -
How immigrants are vital to Virginia’s vibrant economy
A view of skyline in Tysons, Photo: Lluck002/Wikimedia Commons The unemployment rate in Virginia is the lowest in years at 3.6 percent. The state is home to three of the wealthiest American counties – Loudoun, Arlington...November 21, 2017 2033 0 -
Minority-owned businesses add over $1 trillion to U.S. economic output annually
Photo: Naturalization ceremony in Grand Canyon, Credit: Grand Canyon National Park/Wikimedia Commons American minority-owned businesses are contributing more than one $ 1 trillion in annual economic output, the White House said Tuesday as President Donald Trump...October 25, 2017 1331 0 -
U.S. economy continues to grow despite hurricanes, some disruptions
Federal Hall and George Washington statue, NYC, Photo Musik Animal/ Wikimedia Commons The U.S. economy grew at a pace split between modest and moderate during September and early October while some areas reported major disruptions ffrom...October 19, 2017 1173 0 -
Can universal basic income work in the US?
Photo by User:Knulclunk/Wikimedia Commons shows a view of Spanish Harlem in NYC The release of a new report estimating a $ 2.5 trillion addition to the US. economy through a universal basic income plan for all...October 15, 2017 1257 0