Latest in: Editorial
A child standing in front of his ground-flattened school after a bombardment in Ainjara village in rural Aleppo, Syria....March 10, 2018
Photo: Asma_Jahangir_Four_Freedoms_Awards/Wikimedia Commons Views and News Editorial She stood like a rock against two military regimes, entrenched societal injustices...February 11, 2018
As DACA expires, Congress must preserve the American dream in its balancing act
Photo: Views and News EDITORIAL The Trump Administration’s announcement on ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) has challenged Congress to enact long-delayed but badly needed immigration reform that helps all Americans. But the Republican-controlled...September 6, 2017 1405 0 -
Editorial : Nawaz Sharif’s opportunity to make up for lost opportunities
Pakistan’s outgoing army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif has been showered with praise from across the country for his professionalism that saw his forces combat terrorism in the tribal areas and elsewhere with unprecedented success. But that...November 26, 2016 1136 0 -
Views and News Editorial : Sharif vs Khan tussle must not harm democracy
EDITORIAL BOARD There is a pattern with Pakistani politics that despite the obvious benefits of democracy, some segments including those genuinely frustrated with economic deprivation, and a typical class of politicians – motivated by self-interest- show...November 1, 2016 1122 0