Latest in: Environment

Unprecedented heatwaves and sea surface levels...Read More
Birds are among the species that are most vulnerable to plastic pollution, and digital technology has helped unearth some...October 15, 2019
Aquatic animals and plants are not the only casualties of water pollution. Humans are already paying a high cost...August 21, 2019
Extreme Weather: 2017 costliest year amid alarming climate change trends
A file photo shows a washed-out bridge, damaged from flooding, is shown in Pakistan Aug. 5, 2010 Credit:DoD by Staff Sgt. Horace Murray/Wikipedia A spate of disasters due to a mix of extreme weather and climate...March 23, 2018 1196 0 -
A make or break year for coral, a key source of ocean life
The world may find it almost imperceptible that half of the coral has died in the last three decades but for a lot of ocean creatures that depend on this key source of life, the loss...February 1, 2018 1187 0 -
Pollution, the largest killer, claims 12.6 million lives every year: New Report
A UN file photo shows birds scavenging for food amidst the debris at the landfill in Danbury, Connecticut Credit:Evan Schneider A stunning new report says every part of the planet and every person is affected by...November 18, 2017 1233 0 -
New study says rising acidity to affect all ocean life
Photo: Terry Goss/Wikipedia With carbon dioxide emissions continuing to make oceans more acidic all sea life faces threats, according to a new study. Oceans become more acidic because CO2 from fossil fuels dissolves in seawater, produces...October 24, 2017 1094 0 -
Unprecedented heatwave, and more to come, warns UN weather agency
Photo by Jessie Eastland/Wikimedia Commons With mercury shooting up in several parts of the world, the United Nations weather agency is warning that more heatwaves to come. The World Meteorological Organization says extremely high May and...June 22, 2017 1977 0 -
A sea change or no more fishing
Photo by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Wikimedia shows 400 tons of jack mackerel caught by a Chilean purse seiner Will there ever be a sea change? Industrial fishing, overfishing, illegal fishing, bycatch, environmental dangers, exponentially...May 30, 2017 1913 0 -
New accord raises hopes for global warming slowdown
A globally agreed accord on reducing emissions of potent chemicals used in air conditioners and refrigerators is raising expectations that it it could help prevent up to 0.5 degrees Celsius of global warming by the end...October 15, 2016 1174 0