Latest in: Europe
Scholars around the globe responded to the death of 3000 Americans in the 9/11 attacks differently. A surfeit of...May 9, 2020
Colosseum in Rome, Italy, Image Credit: David Salik With the epicenter of deadly coronavirus pandemic now in Europe, the...March 15, 2020
The Warming Planet: Heat stress to cause $2.4 trillion output losses every year
Recent reports and natural disasters are once again reminding the world that it’s not going to be business as usual on our warming planet. June 2019 was the hottest month on record with Europe bearing the...July 7, 2019 1018 0 -
Fire engulfs Notre Dame; Marcon vows to rebuild historic cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral, which survived vicissitudes of centuries, was in flames Monday evening as a huge fire engulfed the historic building housing sacred relics and artifacts that made it a unique place Hundreds of firefighters worked...April 16, 2019 1033 0 -
A Journey into Europe that reminds of enlightenment amid challenges
Professor Akbar S. Ahmed’s Journey into Europe is a multi-levelled endeavor. It is a journey into the soul of Europe undergoing its latest upheaval in which the values underpinning pluralistic democracy have been put into question;...March 6, 2019 1514 0 -
Journey into Europe offers an antidote to negative portrayals of Muslims
Author Prof. Jocelyne Cesari engages in dialogue with Ambassador Akbar Ahmed at Georgetown University on March 26, 2018. In the eyes of most Europeans, Muslims have come to represent fanaticism, fundamentalism, and female suppression, subjugation and...April 17, 2018 2335 0 -
Catalans declare independence
Placa Catalunya, Barcelona Photo: Tango7174/Wikimedia Commons Spain was heading for more unrest and uncertainty as the Catalan regional Parliament Friday declared independence. Catalonia holds key importance for Spain with its wealth, economic output, banking, tourism attraction...October 27, 2017 1400 0 -
Centrist politician Emmanuel Marcon to be next French President
Photo by the Government of France shows Marcon as Minister for Finance and Economy via Wikimedia Commons Centrist politician Emmanuel Macron Sunday won what has been called France’ defining presidential election, marking the European power’s embrace...May 7, 2017 2365 0 -
EDITORIAL – The Dutch victory has a message
Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam Photo Massimo Catarinella via Wikimedia Commons The victory of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in this week’s election was a moment of truth for the nation. And the Dutch grasped it. The Netherlands election...March 19, 2017 2974 0