Latest in: Exclusive

Naeem Tahir 's research says Melluhas, predecessors of Indus Valley civilization, lived around 8000 BC
Belgian Vessel Exquisite docked at Port Qasim near Karachi has been instrumental in re-gasification of LNG imported from Qatar...May 6, 2016
With the mercury already shooting to 40 degrees centigrade (104 Fahrenheit) in southern Pakistan and eastern and southern parts of India, South...May 1, 2016
New study recommends low interest rates until full employment
A new study has asked the Federal Reserve to keep the interest rates low until full employment is achieved as those graduating from schools and colleges in 2016 confront lackluster growth in wages due in part...April 30, 2016 3310 0 -
What is the future of multiculturalism in Europe?
Exploring Europe’s evolving views on multiculturalism amid 9/11-heightened sense of identities among natives and Muslim immigrants sounds nothing less than attempting an intellectual tour de force. An unprecedented new documentary, produced by American and Pakistani researchers,...August 25, 2015 3823 0 -
A deal with a thousand ramifications
Last week, President Barack Obama led high-stakes diplomacy at Camp David to reassure Arab allies of “ironclad” US support for their security in the face of Iranian nuclear deal. But as Obama met with the Gulf...August 20, 2015 1169 0