Latest in: Human Rights

Led the struggle for Iranian women's rights even during incarceration...Read More
The pathology of Islamophobia ...Read MoreFebruary 14, 2022
Just 3 years ago, Pew Research Center found that fifty-five percent of Protestant Christians in the U.S. surveyed believed...September 25, 2020
UN Secretary-General asks India to stop brutal treatment of Kashmiri children
Voicing concern over India’s brutalities against Kashmiri children including torture, illegal detention, and pellet gun shootings, UN Secretary-General has called for an immediate end to such practices. Antonio Guterres issued the call in an annual report...June 16, 2020 912 0 -
Arundhati Roy warns of genocidal horrors hanging over Indian Muslims
Renowned writer Arundhati Roy has echoed another warning about the perilous state of Indian Muslims, saying India has created a genocidal climate for its Muslim population. In her latest comments, the novelist says India is carrying...June 13, 2020 1001 0 -
Coronavirus: Where is the humane vision?
Education is often seen as a be-all panacea. 50 years ago, David Halberstam in his book, “The Best and the Brightest,” blamed the “bright bulbs” in the White House for the Vietnam debacle, by pushing...May 9, 2020 1357 0 -
Indian curbs in Kashmir limit Internet access to information during COVD-19 crisis – UN expert
While calling India‘s restrictions on the Internet in Kashmir as one of the longest shutdowns, a leading UN human rights has drawn attention to the concern that that people are finding it difficult to access health...May 2, 2020 1253 0 -
New HRW report urges repeal of India’s citizenship law; says it incited anti-Muslim violence
Human Rights Watch has published a new report, detailing how New Delhi’s Citizenship Amendment Act provoked anti-Muslim violence, and urges India to repeal the discriminatory measure. The 82-page report entitled ‘Shoot the Traitors’: Discrimination Against Muslims...April 10, 2020 688 0 -
World human rights bodies ask India to release Kashmiri prisoners amid COVID-19 crisis
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Monday called for a “very close look” at the continued incarceration of Kashmiris prisoners in jails under Indian control amid growing coronavirus cases. Six leading international human rights organizations jointly demanded...April 6, 2020 895 0 -
Indian BJP Government’s actions caused enormous Kashmiri suffering – HRW
A file photo of a Kashmiri girl injured in a hale of pellet gunshots, taken at an exhibition on Kashmir in Washington D.C. on August 15, 2019 In a damning assessment of the ongoing situation in Kashmir...January 14, 2020 3216 0