Latest in: Internet
Nearly half of the global population, 46.4 percent, cannot connect to the Internet at a time when digital technology...June 14, 2020
While calling India‘s restrictions on the Internet in Kashmir as one of the longest shutdowns, a leading UN human...May 2, 2020
The digital transformations shaping the world
Can you zoom in on one technology or a tech-enabled platform that you think most critically shapes the way and pace of life? The answer to this apparently broad and perplexing question may not be the...December 30, 2019 758 0 -
Free speech and privacy declining globally – Freedom House
Freedom House issued its annual report on “Freedom on the Net 201: The Crisis of the Social Media” Tuesday, warning that social media is an increasingly precarious tool for mass surveillance and manipulation of elections. The report...November 7, 2019 1091 0 -
New study calls for a Declaration of Digital Interdependence
The digital technology should help shape an inclusive future, safety and opportunity for all, pitches a new UN tech report. “The Age of Digital Interdependence” is a work of the UN High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation,...June 11, 2019 1095 0 -
Mark Zuckerberg says the future is private; pledges privacy-focused platform
Facebook Chief Mark Zuckerberg is pledging to introduce new features to the platform that would respect the users’ privacy with the thinking that the future is private. For majority of over one billion Facebook users that...May 1, 2019 911 0 -
When will developing countries benefit from the Artificial Intelligence boom?
Image: Factory Automation with industrial robots for material handling in flat glass industry, company Grenzebach in Germany, robotics for high payloads Credit: KUKA Roboter GmbH, Bachmann/Wikimedia If you get goose bumps from the feeling that you...February 6, 2019 1363 0 -
The disconnect – Half of the world’s population still not using the Internet
For people already connected to the superhighway of information and commerce, it might just be a news story that now half of the world’s population uses the Internet. But for millions – still not using the...December 9, 2018 1131 0 -
E-governance and data critical to dealing with natural disasters
Photo Credit: Fabio Lanari/Wikimedia Commons Sharing information and data have long been considered key to mitigating losses from natural disasters but e-governance has stepped up the pace of response and safety precautions to deal with calamities....July 24, 2018 1029 0