Latest in: New York
Federal Judge stays deportation of those detained at airports after immigration order
Photo: Screenshot/NY1 A federal judge in New York has issued an emergency stay temporarily halting the removal of individuals detained after President Donald Trump issued an order to suspend entry of immigrants from seven countries. Around...January 29, 2017 1033 0 -
Trump rally sees Dow scale unprecedented 20,000 mark
Boosted by a series of pledges and actions by President Donald Trump, the Dow Jones Industrial hit 20,000 points mark in the first ever such milestone. Since Trump’s election in November 2016, the Dow has registered...January 25, 2017 960 0 -
Governor Cuomo proposes free tuition for NY middle class in state colleges
New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, joined by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Tuesday proposed to make college tuition-free for middle class families in state colleges. Under the proposal, more than 940,000 middle class families...January 4, 2017 963 0 -
Minimum wage raise in several states at the start of 2017
Times Square in Manhattan Photo by Chensiyuan (chensiyuan) via Wikimedia Commons In a development likely to lift income levels for millions of workers, 19 U.S. states raised the minimum wage Monday as Americans celebrated the start...January 2, 2017 1050 0 -
New York greets New Year 2017 with Times Square celebration
A crowd of more than one million merrymakers welcomed the New Year 2017 at New York’s Times Square in a colorful burst of crystal triangles from the ball drop. The revelers welcomed the new year with...January 1, 2017 1651 0 -
Amid international outcry, UN Security Council approves monitors for Aleppo evacuation
Photo Credit: English Foreign and Commonwealth Office via Wikimedia Commons Confronted with global critiism of handling the Syrian conflict, the United Nations Security Council on Monday decided to immediately deploy UN observers in Aleppo to monitor...December 19, 2016 1199 0 -
Prominent Pakistani American physician Rafiq Jan passes away in New York
Dr Rafi Jan, addressing an event. Photo: Screenshot from Pakistan Newspapers video by Mohsin Zaheer Dr. Rafiq Jan, a prominent Pakistani-American physician and social activist, died of heart attack Sunday night. He was 86. Dr. Jan, who...December 17, 2016 4294 0 -
US, Pakistan look to build “strong relationship” under Trump Administration
The United States and Pakistan look to strengthen their wide-ranging ties after President-elect Donald Trump and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif exchanged views on ways to build a “strong working relationship” between the United States and Pakistan...December 3, 2016 971 0 -
International students in U.S. now top one million
Janss Steps, Royce Hall in background, University of California, LA, Photo by b r e n t (UCLA) via Wikimedia Commons Over one million international students are studying at U.S. colleges and universitie during the 2015-16 academic...November 26, 2016 1518 0 -
Pakistan Film Festival NY website up with exciting clips
Featured Image courtesy Pakistan Mission to UN ( A website on the upcoming Pakistani Film Festival in New York is up, offering some exciting clips from movies to be screened, and informing people how they can...November 25, 2016 1524 0