Latest in: Nuclear Weapons
If a conflict between India and Pakistan – currently locked in a tense standoff over the disputed Kashmir region...October 4, 2019
The United States is calming down fears of another conflict in the broader Middle East with the top American...June 2, 2019
BREAKING NEWS: Trump, Kim begin high-stakes summit in Singapore
Photo: Dan Scavino Jr./Wikimedia Commons All eyes on the Singapore summit. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong un went into much-anticipated talks in Singapore Tuesday morning. The two leaders were escorted into the...June 12, 2018 1119 0 -
Singapore Meeting: Between expectations and surprises
Image: Blue House (Republic of Korea)/Wikimedia Commons President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are in Singapore for their much-anticipated June 12 meeting, raising expectations from what Trump has called an unknown territory. Security analysts and foreign...June 11, 2018 1410 0 -
Future uncertain as Trump cancels summit with North Korea
A map showing Sea of Japan and countries surrounding North Korea Credit: Chris 73/Wikimedia Commons Citing “tremendous anger and open hostility” toward the United States, President Donald Trump on Thursday canceled next month’s planned summit with...May 24, 2018 1198 0 -
North Korea casts doubt over U.S. summit
Image of North Korea’s ICBM missile test on July 4, 2017 Photo: Screenshot/CNN-KCTV After weeks of positive messaging about its intent to resume international engagement, North Korea on Wednesday appeared to threw doubts over a summit...May 16, 2018 942 0 -
U.S. withdraws from Iran nuclear deal; to re-impose sanctions
President Donald Trump on Tuesday terminated the U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear deal, calling it “unacceptable” and while announcing re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran. “The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions...May 8, 2018 1015 0 -
Friday blog: U.S.-North Korea talks must succeed
Image: Sea of Japan, Credit Phoenix7777/Wikimedia Commons TGIF Thanks God it’s Friday A mix kind of day…. rainy one moment Bright and sunny the next moment YO YO Kind of day. Now you see it Now...March 31, 2018 1031 0 -
The deal with a thousand ramifications at a ‘critical crossroads’
Middle East political map, Credit: CIA/Wikipedia Two years after it went into force, the Iran nuclear deal is at a critical crossroads, the United Nations says as polarization in U.S. politics and multiple tensions in the...December 20, 2017 1635 0