Latest in: Pakistani Christians
Pakistan’s minorities, struggling under growing economic pressures amidst COVID-19 outbreak, got a rare good news this week when the...May 3, 2020
The opening of the Kartarpur Corridor providing access to Sikhs to visit the revered Sikh Guru’s final resting place...November 24, 2019
A photographer’s passion evolves into connection with refugees
As a photographer David Salik had long known the intrinsic value of outreach that works of art symbolize. With that realization in mind, David has been using his passion for photography to build a connection with...May 29, 2019 2042 0 -
Julius Salik’s ‘Peace Journey’ for equal rights of Pakistani minorities
Julius Salik is speaking for minorities, and reminding us all of Pakistan’s forgotten ideals of egalitarianism. This time, though, Salik is speaking through his book Peace Journey that chronicles his daring protests and struggles as a...June 13, 2018 3794 0 -
Pakistani educationist James Shera’s unique bridge-building role
As someone who is frequently in the media speaking on behalf of the Muslim community, I was dismayed when bombs exploded in an Egyptian church this past Sunday. I thought of religious minorities in my home...April 15, 2017 1758 0