Latest in: Pakistani Minorities
Legendary folk singer Krishan Lal Bheel, who delighted millions of people with renditions in a variety of languages, passed...May 8, 2020
Pakistan’s minorities, struggling under growing economic pressures amidst COVID-19 outbreak, got a rare good news this week when the...May 3, 2020
Author of new book ‘Gems and Jewels’ sheds light on Pakistan’s diversity
This year I am fortunate to have the opportunity to take the inaugural course titled Pakistan and the Region introduced and led by Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, former Pakistani High Commissioner and Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic...March 1, 2020 2894 0 -
Making Kartarpur a step towards ensuring equal status for Pakistan’s minorities
The opening of the Kartarpur Corridor providing access to Sikhs to visit the revered Sikh Guru’s final resting place is in reality of enormous ramifications, a landmark achievement for Pakistan. Proposed during former Indian Prime Minister...November 24, 2019 1008 0 -
A photographer’s passion evolves into connection with refugees
As a photographer David Salik had long known the intrinsic value of outreach that works of art symbolize. With that realization in mind, David has been using his passion for photography to build a connection with...May 29, 2019 2043 0 -
Julius Salik’s ‘Peace Journey’ for equal rights of Pakistani minorities
Julius Salik is speaking for minorities, and reminding us all of Pakistan’s forgotten ideals of egalitarianism. This time, though, Salik is speaking through his book Peace Journey that chronicles his daring protests and struggles as a...June 13, 2018 3796 0 -
Pakistan elects first Hindu woman Senator Krishna Kumari
Pakistan’s Parliament took a significant step toward inclusive democracy on Saturday, when the upper chamber elected its first woman senator from the Hindu community of the Muslim majority nation. Krishna Kumari, who hails from southern Pakistan’s...March 3, 2018 3585 0