Latest in: Republican
Senator Kamila Harris, who has been picked as running mate by presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, is a star on...August 12, 2020
Democrats wrested back the House of Representative in a fiercely fought midterm election Tuesday that also gave Republicans victory...November 7, 2018
Democrats eye control of Capitol Hill in Tuesday’s midterm verdict on Trump
A series of analyses and polls on the eve of one of the most hotly contested midterm elections reveal that a Democratic control of the House looks within grasp in Tuesday’s ballot, declared by President Donald...November 6, 2018 860 0 -
Democrats and Republicans reach a deal to re-open government, protect dreamers
An aerial view of the Capitol Hill, Photo Credit: Office of the Architect of the Capitol/Wikipedia Democrats in the Senate agreed Monday to a deal with Republican Majority Leader on an immigration deal for protection of...January 22, 2018 1090 0 -
Trump says Democrats chose shutdown politics over budget deal as anniversary gift
President Donald Trump has said Democrats wanted to give him shutdown gift on his first anniversary and have chosen politics over deal-making. In a series of Twitter messages, Trump reacted strongly to the government shutdown after...January 20, 2018 881 0 -
Alabama hands Democrats victory in high-stakes Senate election
Photo: Screenshot/Doug Jones video Democrat Doug Jones scored a stunning victory over Republican Roy Moore in Alabama Senate special election on Tuesday, as voters in the deep red state reflected national sentiment against figures tainted by...December 13, 2017 1020 0 -
Barbara Comstock emphasizes legislation to fix sexual harassment problem
Photo: Screenshot/NBC News Virginia’s Republican Congresswoman Barbara Comstock called for Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore to step aside and suggested that Democratic Al Franken should also hit the door, as Sunday talk shows weighed in...November 20, 2017 1299 0 -
Republican Congressman vows to defend rights of Muslims
Photo: Facebook Page A Republican lawmaker has pledged to uphold the rights of American-Muslims, saying the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion for all citizens. Speaking at a large gathering of Pakistani-Americans at the Pakistan consulate in...April 24, 2017 1129 0