Latest in: Rohingyas
Photo:Screenshot/CBC News While calling for action to combat sexual violence against women in societies around the world, Angelina Jolie...November 16, 2017
Khalilah Ali, activist and author, has stepped up her latest humanitarian effort- to raise awareness about the plight of...October 7, 2017
UN: Rohingya refugees now number half a million in the face of ‘unacceptable’ crisis
The United Nations is reporting “bone chilling” accounts of violence expreience by Rohingya refugees whose number has now swelled to half a million as they escape Myanmar’s state persecution and flee into neighboring Bangladesh. The humanitarian...September 29, 2017 1261 0 -
A Rohingya scholar recalls Jinnah’s affinity for the community
The Rohingya cause is lost, lamented Dr. Wakar Uddin’s father on learning of Mr. Jinnah’s death in 1948. Along with a Rohingya delegation, he had met Mr. Jinnah, the Quaid-i-Azam, twice in Dacca before independence. They...September 16, 2017 1916 0 -
UN Security Council to hold urgent meeting amid Myanmar’s persecution of Rohingyas
Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar persecution pour into Bangldesh Photo: Saikat Biswas/UN Migration Agency Britain and Sweden have requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council against the backdrop of a growing humanitarian crisis in Myanmar,...September 12, 2017 1165 0 -
Protests in Washington D.C. against Myanmar’s persecution of Rohingyas
Back-to-back protest demonstrations outside Myanmar’s embassy in Washington D.C. this week urged the United States to stop massacre of the Rohingya community, which the UN and human rights bodies say face state persecution. On Friday, Americans...September 8, 2017 1661 0