Latest in: Russia

UN says Ukraine war is one of the biggest security challenges of the era...Read More
A Russian military unit offered rewards to Taliban-linked militants to kill NATO troops in Afghanistan that include American forces,...June 27, 2020
In the wake of allegations that China and Russia conducted low-yield nuclear tests, the Trump administration reportedly considered whether...May 24, 2020
U.S. and the South Asian flux of new strategic developments
A map zooming on Pakistan and its neighbors sourced from a larger : CIA world map While China is investing billions of dollars to stimulate Pakistan’s economic development through mutually beneficial corridor to the Gulf region,...April 25, 2018 2296 1 -
U.S., Russia spar at UN over Syrian regime’s reported use of chemical weapons
A 2013 photo of destruction in Aleppo, Image credit: English: Foreign and Commonwealth Office/Wikimedia Commons Amid international tensions over reports that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons in an attack in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta region, the...April 10, 2018 987 0 -
Trump clears, House Republicans release memo alleging Russia probe bias
Photo: Zach Rudisin via Wikimedia Commons Soon after President Donald Trump declassified a secret memo alleging abuse of surveillance power by the FBI and Justice Department, the House Republicans released the document. Before the unusual release of...February 2, 2018 1180 0 -
Flynn has ‘a story to tell,’ seeks immunity before testimony
With “a story to tell” on the question of alleged contacts between President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign and Russia, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is talks with congressional investigators to get immunity from “unfair...March 31, 2017 1373 0 -
Russia’s growing ties with Pakistan leave India aghast
Gwadar Seaport Photo Credit: Umargondal via Wikimedia Commons Perhaps nowhere the maxim that nothing is constant in international politics rings as loudly as in Russia’s outreach to Pakistan that has left India stunned and aghast. Vladimir...December 22, 2016 1066 0 -
Trump denies Russian role in election process; Congressional leaders urge bipartisan probe
Photo: Screenshot/Donald J. Trump for President video Reacting to CIA’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 US election, President-elect Donald Trump has called it “ridiculous” even some top Republican senators have called for a bipartisan...December 12, 2016 1034 0 -
Russia joining China Pakistan Economic Corridor
Gwadar port Photo by Umargondal via Wikimedia Commons In a major strategic development, Russia is seeking to join China Pakistan Economic Corridor – a $ 46 billion project linking the region with Arabian Sea – and...November 26, 2016 1365 0