Latest in: Social Media

Pew Survey reveals just 9 percent of adult users say they post regularly on political and social issues
Ask anyone hooked to social media, if they know Dananeer Mobeen, and the answer would be yes that “pawry”...February 22, 2021
Religious discrimination is on the rise across the world and must be contained before it harms businesses and our...September 7, 2020
The digital transformations shaping the world
Can you zoom in on one technology or a tech-enabled platform that you think most critically shapes the way and pace of life? The answer to this apparently broad and perplexing question may not be the...December 30, 2019 752 0 -
New study sheds light on social media users’ dilemma
By now, it’s become crystal clear – the Internet like much of the world is in a state of flux. But there is one thing that sounds perennial about the digital debate – our search for...May 20, 2019 1092 1 -
The ‘new normal’ way we live now
Featured collage: Phrenology Credit: de:Benutzer:Summi and Kismet Robot Credit: Polimerek in MIT Museum/ Wikimedia The “world” seems to be in an ever- changing mode. In many respects, it is changing in ways that raise concerns. Look...February 5, 2019 1568 2 -
Facebook security breach affects 50 million users
Image shows Facebook at Ad.Tech London 2010 Credit: Derzsi Elekes Andor / Wikimedia Commons A security breach affected accounts of 50 million Facebook users, the social media giant said Friday while stating that it was not...September 28, 2018 1024 0 -
Mark Zuckerberg to go to Capitol Hill with mea culpa & resolve to improve Facebook
File Photo, Credit: Brian Solis, /, via Wikimedia Commons Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to appear before the House Committee on energy and commerce with a clear acknowledgement of mistakes around privacy of...April 10, 2018 999 0 -
Amid Facebook data scandal, UN says protection of privacy must be top priority
Cybersecurity ITU Image The United Nations says as the Internet user growth increases with growing online commerce of goods and services, protection of privacy must be a top priority. The UN agency dealing with the economics...March 29, 2018 967 0 -
Mark Zuckerberg regrets Facebook data breach amid privacy concerns
Photo Credit: Brian Solis, Commons Faced with criticism over privacy concerns of Facebook users, the CEO of the social media giant Mark Zuckerberg has regretted the reported data breach of 50 million Americans that took...March 22, 2018 1169 0