Latest in: Society
Image: Screenshot/FIFA Channel video The image of the French team celebrating their glorious world cup victory represents the best...July 16, 2018
Americans use multiple social media platforms in early 2018 with Facebook and YouTube dominating the landscape while Snapchat and...March 2, 2018
Justice4Zainab: Pakistani society and state have much to answer for
Hundreds of people took to the streets of Pakistan’s eastern city of Kasur to protest the brutal murder of Zainab after the seven-year-old girl was abducted, raped and her body recovered from trash. The heartbreaking news...January 10, 2018 1050 0 -
Americans view sexual harassment as societal problem, not individual conduct
Three lawmakers have resigned on the Capitol Hill. Once a household name NBC’s “Today” anchor Matt Lauer and famous Charlie Rose of PBS Show have been fired. Harvey Weinstein, once a powerful Hollywood titan has gone...December 8, 2017 1232 0 -
American Richard Thaler wins Nobel Prize for making economics more human
American professor Richard H. Thaler, who has incorporated psychologically realistic assumptions into analyses of economic decision-making, has won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work – hailed as making economics more human. “By exploring...October 10, 2017 1468 0 -
Most citizens believe openness to foreigners a defining American trait
So what is your take on the issue of American openness to foreigners in the light of ongoing heated debates on immigration and economic implications of it for the United States? Some of the rhetoric and...August 8, 2017 1422 0 -
Oregon hero Fletcher urges support for teenage girls -‘It’s about them’
Photo from a Portland vigil after MAX stabbings Credit: Ninjanabe/Wikimedia Commons Micah Fletcher, the 21-year-old poet, who survived a vicious knife attack on a train in Portland, Oregon, while standing up to a White supremacist’s hateful...June 2, 2017 1509 0 -
American Muslims raise money for families of Oregon heroes
Community members gather for a vigil after Portland, Oregon train stabbings, Photo: Sceenshot/KOIN 6 TV, a CBS Affiliate American Muslims have hailed as heroes the two men in Portland, Oregon, who were killed when they came...May 29, 2017 1614 0 -
Oregon: A story of courage and affinity
Oregonians in Portland laid flowers and held a vigil to express their sentiments over train stabbings on May 27, 2017. Photo Screenshot/ video What happened on a train in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday was an American...May 29, 2017 1290 0