Latest in: Space

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NASA’s most advanced rover touches down on the Red Planet
In a landmark space stride, NASA’s largest and most advanced rover sent yet to another world has touched down on Mars as scientists hailed the effort to collect Mars samples and return them to Earth. The Perseverance...February 19, 2021 771 0 -
NASA discovers water on the Moon in advance of 2024 human settlement mission
In a discovery that holds the breathtaking prospect of finding key support for life, NASA’s observatory has for the first time detected water on the surface of the shining Moon. The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy,...October 29, 2020 861 0 -
Researchers get unprecedented look into star formation
An image of a cosmic light show sparked by the formation of massive stars Credit: NASA/SOFIA/Lim and De Buizer et al. and Sloan Digital Sky Survey Researchers and space scientists are excited that a team has...March 30, 2019 938 0 -
Monday’s total solar eclipse and excitement for coast-to-coast viewing opportunity
Photo: Screenshot of a NASA-posted view during the upcoming total solar eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017 Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio The excitement has been building up this month for Monday’s total solar...August 20, 2017 1746 0