Latest in: Storyline
Image Credit: Heinrich Böll Stiftung from Berlin, Deutschland via Creative Common In the backdrop of perpetual state of Pakistan-India...April 26, 2018
Image shows parts of South Asia hit by floods in 2007, Credit: Anameofmyveryown/Wikimedia Commons A World Bank report fears that...April 9, 2018
Snowflakes adorn trees at the start of Cherry Blossom season
A scene after snowfall in Alexandria, Virginia on Wednesday, Photo: Views and News By early Wednesday afternoon, the snow storm had covered Washington metro area with several inches of snow, flakes bedecking the trees on the...March 21, 2018 1543 0 -
Saudi Crown Prince: Men, women ‘absolutely’ equal; No Islamic order on ‘abaya’ or head cover
Photo: Screenshot/CBS Saudi Arabia’s reform-seeking Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is beginning a visit to the United States, said in an interview aired Sunday that women are “absolutely” equal to men and that Islam has...March 19, 2018 3066 0 -
Trump exults in tax cut legislative success; Democrats criticize
Photo: Screenshot/White House YouTube video channel President Donald Trump exulted in the first major legislative success toward implementation of his agenda, calling passage of the $ 1.5 trillion tax cut as “something special.” Flanked by Vice...December 21, 2017 1343 0 -
Cyber Monday 2017 shopping soars to $6.59 billion amid high consumer confidence
Photo: Intel Free Press/Wikimedia Commons Americans spent $ 6.59 billion this Cyber Monday, making it the largest online shopping day with phone sales touching $ 2 billion in a single day for the first time. The...November 28, 2017 993 0 -
Pakistani newspaper editorials lambast state surrender to lawbreaking mob
In the end it were not the lawbreakers who got punished but the law minister who resigned from position as the state bowed to religious zealots. Pakistan’s government and the state failed so miserably in the...November 28, 2017 979 0 -
Islamabad deploys military to quell violent protests
A crowd of religious zealots blocking entrance to capital Islamabad for weeks turned violent Saturday in the face of Police crackdown after which the government deployed army to quell the protesters. The protesters belonging to Tehreek-e-Labaiq...November 25, 2017 1080 0 -
Trump declares North Korea a state sponsor of terror
President Donald Trump Monday said the United States is declaring North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism, in the face of Pyongyang hurling nuclear and missile threats. The move, to be formally enforced on Tuesday, will...November 20, 2017 1019 0