Latest in: Syria
30 children killed in Syrian escalation while the world watches
Ru’a, 18 months, rides on her grandfather’s motorbike as he drags it across Mesraba in East Ghouta, Syria. Photo:NICEF/2018/Amer Almohibany After one of the worst years for children in the ongoing Middle Eastern conflicts, 2018 has...January 15, 2018 1167 0 -
War devastation, uncertain future weigh heavily on displaced Syrians
The war in Syria may have abated a little bit but it has certainly not ended. For millions of Syrians displaced internally or made refugees on foreign lands, the suffering continues. Torn between uncertainty and the...August 11, 2017 1241 0 -
Syrian teen refugees say they find hope in America
The unspeakable horrors of the Syrian conflict will perhaps never be fully told partly because the continuing imbroglio has destroyed lives and hopes of so many millions. The tepid international response to the staggering humanitarian crisis...July 29, 2017 2277 0 -
Syrian refugee girl named UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Muzoon Almellehan skips rope with students at the School of Peace at a internally displaced peoples site in the Lake Region, Chad. She visited the conflict-affected region in April 2017. UNICEF/Sokhin With millions...June 19, 2017 1569 0 -
‘Syrian refugee children want respect and opportunity, not pity’
File photo show displaced childrn sheltered under makeshift tents on Muhalak highway in the western part of Aleppo, Credit: UNICEF/Khuder Al-Issa Even in the midst of extreme adversity – displacement from home with an uncertain future ahead...April 29, 2017 1981 0 -
US launches missile attack on Syrian military airfield under Assad’s control
A photo shows scene of Syrian conflict’s devastation Credit: British Foreign and Commonwealth Office via Wikimedia Commons In a turnabout of American strategy on Syria and representing first major foreign policy decision under Donald Trump White House, the United...April 7, 2017 1512 0 -
No end to suffering of Syrian children as world fails
A seven-year-old child stands in front of her damaged school in Idleb, Syria. October 2016. Photo: UNICEF While the world fails to end thee Syrian conflict and Bashar al Assad struts around, a new report has...March 13, 2017 1267 0 -
Malala asks President Trump not to turn his back on refugee children, families
Photo by Southbank Centre via Wikimedia Commons Nobel Peace Prize winner educationist Malala Yousafzai has urged President Donald Trump not to shut US doors on defenseless children and families, rendered refugees by conflicts. “In this time...January 28, 2017 801 0 -
Amid international outcry, UN Security Council approves monitors for Aleppo evacuation
Photo Credit: English Foreign and Commonwealth Office via Wikimedia Commons Confronted with global critiism of handling the Syrian conflict, the United Nations Security Council on Monday decided to immediately deploy UN observers in Aleppo to monitor...December 19, 2016 1201 0 -
Obama on Syria : ‘I always feel responsible’
With the Syrian imbroglio likely to cast a shadow on his foreign policy record, President Barack Obama told a news conference that he has always felt responsible on the issue but defended his strategy to deal...December 17, 2016 1279 0