Latest in: Travel Ban
Trump may issue a new travel ban order next week
JFK Airport Terminal 1 New York, Known as gateway to America, Photo by Doug Letterman via Wikimedia Commons President Donald Trump could issue a new travel ban “to make our country safe” as early as next...February 11, 2017 851 0 -
Travel ban battle now shifts to Virginia
Washington Dulles International Airport Photo by Joe Ravi via Wikimedia Commons A federal judge in Alexandria Virginia Friday held a hearing on a lawsuit seeking extension of the suspension of the executive order banning entry of people...February 10, 2017 833 0 -
US Appeals Court maintains suspension of travel ban
Photo by Giorgio Montersino via Wikimedia Commons shows plane queue at JFK International Airport, known as Gateway to America In a unanimous decision, a U.S. Court of Appeals Thursday upheld a federal district judge’s suspension of a...February 10, 2017 842 0 -
Trump expects courts to do ‘what’s right’ on travel ban order
President Donald Trump has asserted that the executive order on travel ban from seven Muslim majority countries is within his powers and expressed the hope that an appeals court would be able to “do what’s right.”...February 8, 2017 862 0 -
US starts allowing in travelers after federal judge’s suspension of ban order
Photo by Giorgio Montersino via Wikimedia Commons shows plane queue at JFK International Airport, known as Gateway to America In compliance with a federal judge’s ruling on suspending enforcement of a travel ban order, the United...February 4, 2017 987 0 -
Federal Judge in Washington state temporarily blocks enforcement of travel ban
Washington Dulles International Airport Photo by Joe Ravi via Wikimedia Commons A federal judge in Seattle, Washington, Friday temporarily suspended implementation of President Donald Trump’s immigration executive order banning entry of citizens of seven Muslim majority...February 4, 2017 885 0