Latest in: Turkey

The selfless gesture draws praise...Read More
Photo: A 2007 Protect Your Republic Day Protest, Credit: Selahattin Sonmez, edited by Dsmurat / Wikimedia Commons Turkey has...July 21, 2018
Pakistan this week brought together 10 Central Asian neighbors in a trade grouping in a sign of its growing...March 3, 2017
Obama :Pakistan, Turkey, Jordan sharing heavy burden of refugees; urges collective response
President Barack Obama renewed U.S commitment to take in more refugees as the Middle East and Europe continue to grapple with the epic movement of people. Speaking at a UN meeting on refugees, he underlined that...September 21, 2016 1118 0 -
Erdogan controls Turkey after failed coup and chaos
Turkey was still reeling from chaos of a thwarted military coup and violence, when President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appeared in public to calm his bewildered nation Saturday morning. The overnight dramatic event plunged the NATO and...July 16, 2016 931 0