Latest in: U.S.
Pakistani-American’s company to have David Cameron as chair of advisory board
Afiniti, the world’s leading provider of AI-based behavioral pairing technology, has appointed David Cameron, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Chair of its Advisory Board, the company owned by Pakistani-American Zia Chishti, announced this week. Cameron...June 4, 2019 785 0 -
U.S. says prepared to hold talks with Iran without preconditions
The United States is calming down fears of another conflict in the broader Middle East with the top American diplomat’s latest statement that holds out the possibility of Washington holding talks with Iran without any preconditions....June 2, 2019 796 0 -
Trump ends multi-billion dollar trade concessions program for India
President Donald Trump has decided to end a trade concession program for India, under which New Delhi exported nearly $5 billion of goods to the United States. The Administration’s decision to terminate the Generalized System of...June 1, 2019 862 0 -
Trump says a nuclear deal with Iran is possible
Ratcheting down from his rhetoric over Iran, President Donald Trump has said a nuclear deal that stops Iran from developing nuclear weapons is possible. Speaking in Tokyo alongside Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the U.S. president...May 28, 2019 788 0 -
Wing wins approval to launch drone delivery service in the US
Featured Image: A drone during an air delivery as part of testing with FAA Credit: Wing Americans are about to have first drone delivery operations at their service as Wing company – which develops technology to...April 24, 2019 851 0 -
Majority of Americans sees immigrants as a strength than a burden
The 2017 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference & Facebook F8 2017, at the San Jose Convention Center. Image Credit: Minh Nguyen While President Donald Trump’s high-pitched positions continue to cast immigration as a contentious issue, a substantial...April 19, 2019 1045 0 -
What makes American states wealthier than foreign countries?
The United States produces as much as 24.3% of world’s combined GDP while it is home to only about 4.3% of the world’s population. Is there one factor or several stimuli that helped the United States...April 4, 2019 1590 0 -
U.S. has more college-educated immigrants than any other country
Pakistani origin scientist Nergis Mavalvalva Image Credit: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation/Wikimedia Commons It’s an open secret that one of the major factors contributing to America’s advancement in research and innovation has been its...February 9, 2019 1164 0 -
New study illustrates the importance of U.S.-Immigrant Nobel connection
George Mason University Life from Fairfax, Virginia /Wikimedia Commons As a resounding answer to the anti-immigrant rhetoric in 2016, the United States got the news that six of the seven American Nobel Prize winners that year...December 17, 2018 1225 0 -
Undocumented immigrant population from Mexico declining; steady from other nations – Pew Research
United States-Mexico Border/Wikimedia Amid raging controversy over immigration, a new report says the number of undocumented immigrants living in the United States fell to a 12-year low in 2016, possibly due to economic recession. The population...November 28, 2018 771 0