Latest in: U.S.
US Department of Education takes steps to address religious discrimination
The U.S. Department of Education has shared with public a series of actions that confront discrimination and promote inclusive school environments. These actions are part of ongoing efforts to encourage respect for students of all faiths...July 31, 2016 1198 0 -
Americans wonder how biomedical technologies will affect way of life
There are more concerns than excitement among Americans about how using new biomedical technologies like gene editing, brain chip implants and synthetic blood to change human capabilities, will alter the way of life. Outside of science...July 30, 2016 1048 0 -
US concerned over ‘rising intolerance’ in India after violence against Muslim women
The United States has asked India to do “everything in its power” to protect minorities, and bring to justice those responsible for the recent assault against two Muslim women for allegedly carrying cow beef . “We’re obviously...July 30, 2016 718 0 -
Politics: What Pakistani Americans’ appearances at 2016 Conventions mean
Pakistani Americans generally fare as high achievers among immigrant communities – with students excelling in grades, medical doctors expanding their numbers to around 20,000, financial managers serving in local American and international institutions like the World Bank,...July 30, 2016 1313 0 -
Accepting nomination, Hillary Clinton vows to build a better future
It was an epoch-making Thursday night for America and Hillary Clinton as she became the first woman to formally accept nomination of the Democratic Party. In a carefully constructed speech, Clinton presented herself as complete opposite...July 29, 2016 901 0 -
Election 2016: Obama asks Americans to choose hope over fear
In making a strong case for Hillary Clinton presidency, President Barack Obama said she stands for hope while Donald Trump represent about America’s promise, as he urged Americans to elect the Democratic candidate as their leader at...July 28, 2016 906 0 -
Trump asks Russia to hack Clinton emails
In an unusual urging, Donald Trump asked Russia on Wednesday to hack Hillary Clinton’s private email data and make public her emails during her term as America’s top diplomat. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re...July 27, 2016 915 0 -
In milestone, Hillary Clinton wins Democratic nomination
In a milestone moment on Tuesday afternoon, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination for November 8 presidential election, becoming the first woman candidate of a major American political party. She will face Republican Donald Trump in...July 26, 2016 999 0 -
I want a President who will teach our children that everyone in this country matters
First Lady Michelle Obama infused a much-needed human angle into the election discourse when she spelled out at the Democratic National Convention qualities that the next president must have to inspire a bright future through progress and...July 26, 2016 817 0 -
In backing Clinton, Sanders makes gracious call for unity
Senator Bernie Sanders was both gracious and clear in his key speech Monday night as he set the tone for Democratic National Convention that will formally nominate Hillary Clinton as the Party’s presidential candidate. The senator,...July 26, 2016 815 0