Latest in: UN Secretary General

To "work together to advance the UN Charter at a time of great peril and promise."...Read More
As the world’s top diplomat UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has led the global forum in one of the trying...May 9, 2021
As several countries around the world faced another wave of COVID-19 cases, the UN called upon the United States...March 30, 2021
Pakistan-India talks, not military conflict, will resolve Kashmir – UN
South Asian nuclear nuclear-armed neighbors Pakistan and should “come together and seriously discuss their problems” around the Kashmir dispute. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres underscored this while also offering the world body’s mediation to resolve the longstanding...January 29, 2021 693 0 -
The first-ever Equal Pay Day seeks remedy for gender income gap
Women still earn less than 80 cents for every dollar that men get and it will take more than 250 years to close the gap between men and women if the world moves with reforms at...September 18, 2020 794 0 -
UN Secretary-General asks India to stop brutal treatment of Kashmiri children
Voicing concern over India’s brutalities against Kashmiri children including torture, illegal detention, and pellet gun shootings, UN Secretary-General has called for an immediate end to such practices. Antonio Guterres issued the call in an annual report...June 16, 2020 912 0 -
Even diplomacy, known for dodging difficulties, is not immune to coronavirus
The United Nations, being the highest diplomatic forum, is an arena for world’s best and the brightest to navigate some subtle straits of diplomacy to advance their respective countries’ interest. But this weekend, the usually bustling...March 15, 2020 642 0 -
UN chief applauds Pakistan’s desire for peace in the region
Kartarpur Corridor – a landmark 4-km long route that facilitates Indian Sikhs to make a pilgrimage to the revered Gurdwara Darbar Sahib on Pakistani territory – is “a practical proof of Pakistan‘s desire for peace and...February 18, 2020 774 0 -
UN Security Council discusses grim Kashmir situation amid Pakistan-India tensions
The UN Security Council discussed the grim situation in Kashmir for the second time since August 5 revocation of the autonomous status of the disputed territory under Indian control. The council met behind-closed-doors months as diplomats...January 15, 2020 703 0 -
Why is the UN Security Council not stopping human rights violations in Kashmir?
Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Nations raised this question while voicing deep concern over the 15-member forum’s inability to act against India for its flagrant violations in the disputed Kashmir territory that New Delhi annexed on...November 22, 2019 741 0