Latest in: US Administration
Afghanistan conflict is experiencing a “shockingly high” rate of deaths among security forces and a record number of casualties...May 1, 2017
With South Asia reeling from India-Pakistan tensions and Afghanistan mired in uncertainty, the United States plans to engage with...April 13, 2017
White House highlights Trump’s first month work; Critics question approach
As analysts weighed in on President Donald Trump’s first 30 days in office on President’s Day Monday, the White House listed a series of measures the administration has taken during the first month to achieve results...February 20, 2017 899 0 -
Trump plans 20% tax on Mexican imports to pay for border wall
US-Mexico border barrier at Tijuana pedestrian border crossing Photo by Toksave via Wikimedia Commons In what is going to be a major move, President Trump may make Mexico pay for his border wall by imposing a...January 27, 2017 876 0 -
The Trump Administration and the fight against ISIS
President Donald J. Trump, a billionaire real estate tycoon with a lifelong reputation for negotiating tough deals and making lots of money, left no doubt in the minds of those who heard his inaugural address on...January 25, 2017 1004 0 -
Did Obama’s foreign policy erode US primacy?
Photo : Pete Souza , via Wikimedia Commons The new US administration takes charge on January 20 and the political pundits and experts appear to be in the “wait and see” mode. A lot of...January 18, 2017 1428 0 -
Trump’s tax, spending measures could bolster world growth : World Bank
Lower Manhattan, New York City, Photo : King of Hearts via Wikimedia Commons Donald Trump’s fiscal stimulus and spending plans could help fuel the world economy, which is showing signs of improvement with 2.7 percent growth...January 11, 2017 938 0 -
US says two-state solution of Israeli-Palestinian conflict in ‘serious jeopardy’
View of Beitar Ilit, Israeli settlement Photo Credit Yoninah via Wikimedia Commons Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that the United States allowed the passage a U.N. condemnation of Israel’s settlement policies as the only...December 28, 2016 858 0 -
Obama dismantles Muslim registry program
Statue of Liberty Photo : I, Laslovarga via Wikimedia Commons The Obama administration moved Thursday to dismantle a 9/11 era registry program known as National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, which required visitors mostly from Muslim countries...December 22, 2016 1268 0